ПраМику. Внезапно Вернее, Мика сам про себя, так еще вкуснее
MIKA’s tracklistMIKA’s tracklist
MY CHILDHOOD TRACK: Sinnerman by Nina Simone
I bought The Best of Nina Simone on cassette and would play and rewind this song over and over. By the time I was seven I could play all the piano parts. I also loved anything by Ace of Base. Their songs still make me happy because I can dance around to them while brushing my teeth.
MY FIRST RECORD: Cool Runnings soundtrack
The first tape I bought was the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack (I know, I was a strange kid), but the first CD was Cool Runnings and I loved it. I even made my own bobsleigh out of cardboard boxes and put washing-up liquid over the tiled kitchen floor, then I’d pop on a little beanie hat, get in my box and push myself across the room.
SONG THAT MAKES ME SMILE: Ruby by Kaiser Chiefs
I always remember that track because it knocked my song Grace Kelly off the number one spot. I’d never met the Kaiser Chiefs but Ricky Wilson (their lead singer) saw me at a party, came over and said, “Hi, I’m from the Kaiser Chiefs and we’ve got you off number one.” Then he walked away. What a strange human being. If ever you wanted to create a problem with someone, that’s the way to do it!
MY PARTY TUNE: Is It Cost I’m Cool? by Mousse T
I’ve been asked to leave a nightclub twice by DJs because I keep insisting they play this. But it is an amazing tune to dance to. I’ve even got a special dance that I do when it comes on, with props and everything.
MY SEXY SONG: Darling Nikki by Prince
I tried to play this track on my Radio 2 session but they banned it. The lyrics are very naughty and it works for me every time.
SONG THAT MAKES ME THINK OF MUM: Return to Sender by Elvis
We had problems in my family because we didn’t have much money and often lived in B&Bs. As a treat, we took a driving holiday from London to Scotland and, for the whole journey, my mother played a Best of Elvis tape. There were five of us kids (I have three sisters and one brother) crammed into a Toyota Previa. It’s still one of the best trips we’ve ever taken.
MY SISTER’S SONG: Colours Of The Wind from Disney’s Pocahontas
My sister, Paloma, sings a fantastic rendition of this. She works as a stylist and it’s her dirty dark secret, but she howls it out at 2 am and always gets the words wrong. Another of my sisters has her own dance routine to Beyonce but will only do it in front of an electric fan turned up to the max. Problem is, when you sing into a fan it makes you sound like a Martian.
BEST SONG WHEN I HATE THE WORLD: Bitch by Meredith Brooks
You know the one? [sings] “I’m a bitch, I’m a lover, I’m a sinner and a saint…I do not feel ashamed!” I don’t play it often but it’s a good one to belt out and clear some frustrations.
Вот не знаю, где народ раскапывает эти интервью, но пусть копает дальше. Я до сих пор из всего списка только историю про "секси сонг" где-то встречала. Случайно
А вообще... Мика... ну, ты понял
ПраМику. Внезапно Вернее, Мика сам про себя, так еще вкуснее
MIKA’s tracklist
Вот не знаю, где народ раскапывает эти интервью, но пусть копает дальше. Я до сих пор из всего списка только историю про "секси сонг" где-то встречала. Случайно
А вообще... Мика... ну, ты понял
MIKA’s tracklist
Вот не знаю, где народ раскапывает эти интервью, но пусть копает дальше. Я до сих пор из всего списка только историю про "секси сонг" где-то встречала. Случайно
А вообще... Мика... ну, ты понял